Monday, February 29, 2016

February 28, 2016

This weekend we visited Brecksville Reservation for a change of pace. The warm weather brought out all kind of wildlife!

A pair of mallards

A tufted titmouse

We saw several birds of prey soaring above the reservation. We didn't get great looks, but here's a good shot.

A northern cardinal

A bluejay

A downy woodpecker

We saw so many painted turtles sunning themselves on the logs.

Here's something we don't see very often--a common water snake.
Here he is making his way up onto a log.

Here you can see a pair of mallards with the water snake behind them. They actually swam very close to each other, but seemed to completely ignore one another.

Another great bird of prey shot. We're pretty sure this is a red-tailed hawk.

The pair of mallards resting in the sun.

Until next time!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 20, 2016

It was a warm 68 degrees in Northeast Ohio today... How could we not go out for a bird walk?

A song sparrow singing his tune.

What are you lookin' at?

A white-breasted nuthatch.

A mallard pair.

Two white-tailed deer. They got pretty close to us!

A northern cardinal.

The beautiful (almost full) moon tonight.

We did hear the call of at least one barred owl, but we didn't end up finding him. Now we know where he probably nests, so we will be keeping our eyes out for him!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

February 7, 2016

Warm weather today called for a walk to the Oxbow Lagoon and along the Bridle horse trail.

We encountered a pair of Canada geese, enjoying a thawed Rocky River.
A closer look at the Canada goose

More Canada geese.

A view of the Rocky River from the Bridle Trail.

A tree, post-woodpecker.

A tufted titmouse.
In flight!

A black-capped chickadee.

A bonus picture from last week that we never posted. A bluejay!