Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day - May 29, 2017

Today we visited Sandy Ridge Reservation in North Ridgeville, Ohio. It was one of our best birding days yet!

The welcoming committee

A Canada geese family with a couple of babies

A huge group of great egrets

A great blue heron

A great egret

Our first sighting of an Eastern Kingbird

A great egret fishing for lunch

Caught one!

Lots of tree swallows around

Our first sighting of a blue-winged teal!

A pair of egrets

Plenty of painted turtles enjoying the sunny day

A northern flicker

A mother wood duck with her babies close by

A bald eagle!

A few baby mallards with their mother

More Canada geese babies

A song sparrow

A great blue heron

We didn't realize it at the time, but here is our first confirmed osprey sighting!

The osprey in flight

Our first sighting of a yellow warbler

There is a bald eagle's nest in the reservation. You can see one of the immature eagles stretching. There's also a live webcam feed you can watch all day!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

May 23, 2017

We visited the Rocky River Reservation for an evening walk on the 23rd. We had a lot of great sightings!

Our first great blue heron of the day

A Carolina Wren singing

An eastern bluebird

Our second great blue heron

A grey catbird

A tree swallow

A little house wren

Our first confirmed Veery sighting. Thanks to some other birders in the park, they helped with the identification 

We saw this great blue heron fishing for dinner

He caught a pretty big catfish!

Dinner time!

Until next time!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

May 7, 2017

We drove out to Sheldon Marsh in Huron, Ohio. We had a lot of great sightings!

A tree swallow

A tree swallow that made a nest in one of the boxes in the park

A grey catbird

A palm warbler

Another shot of the palm warbler

Not a great picture, but this is a shot of a group of American White Pelicans, which are making a comeback in Ohio.

We saw many redwing blackbirds

A great blue heron

A double-crested Cormorant

Another great blue heron

What we initially thought was a beaver, we found out was common muskrat

Check out the tail!

A great blue heron

A great egret in flight

A great egret

A redheaded woodpecker

A house wren feeding her babies

A red-tailed hawk