Sunday, October 1, 2017

October 1, 2017

We visited Sandy Ridge Reservation again today and it's now just turning cold in Northeast Ohio. 

The water was very low, but this egret was still doing its best to find lunch

A spotted sandpiper

An egret

A whole pack of mallard

A song sparrow

A nonbreeding adult goldfinch

Another goldfinch

A pair of egrets

Our first sighting of a Northern Shoveler!

A pair of Northern Shovelers

A cormorant enjoying the sunshine

A red-bellied woodpecker

Until next time!

September 9, 2017

On September 9, we visited Sandy Ridge Reservation in North Ridgeville, Ohio. We saw new species and enjoyed the beautiful weather.

A pair of wood ducks

An egret

A great blue heron

Another heron

Our first sighting of an American Kestrel in the wild!

Our first sighting of a spotted sandpiper

An egret

Another spotted sandpiper

A killdeer

Gorgeous flowers in bloom

An egret

A great blue heron

A monarch butterfly

A group of cormorants

An egret

A Cooper's Hawk

An immature gold finch

Until next time!