Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30, 2016 - Memorial Day

Today for Memorial Day, we visited Brecksville Reservation. It was a beautiful day, and we had some amazing new sightings!

 Red-headed woodpeckers!

A beautiful Prothonotary Warbler, our first great warbler sighting
A shot of the warbler singing

Our most exciting shot of the day, on Memorial Day no less, was the Bald Eagle
You can see there's a Baltimore Oriole that was flitting around the eagle, but he didn't seem to mind 
Such a beautiful bird

Here's a shot of the Bald Eagle nest, where the three juveniles that were born this year live 
One of the babies stretching its wings 

A mallard mama and her six babies

A turkey vulture

Gorgeous Brecksville Reservation

This little guy jumped on the path in front of us!

On the banks of the Cuyahoga River

There's a Belted Kingfisher sitting on the branch

A Baltimore Oriole

Another new sighting, the Tree Swallow 

Another exciting new bird, the Northern Flicker 

Another sighting of the mallard with her babies.

Until next time!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016

Today we ventured out to Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve in Huron, OH.

 Check another one off the list!

Somebody was here before us

A common grackle

Lots of people left out bird seed, so we saw a ton of chipmunks, squirrels and birds.

A male red-winged blackbird

We saw a young groundhog poking out of his den!

Our first sighting of a Great Egret!

The marsh was beautiful

There was a Trumpeter Swan at the resort next to the preserve.

A female red-winged blackbird.

A male red-winged blackbird. They were everywhere!

A great egret and red-winged blackbird in flight.

Another shot of the great egret

Beautiful Lake Erie

Our first sighting of a Baltimore Oriole

Another view of the Lake Erie shore

A Great Blue Heron in flight

A great blue heron

A great blue heron flying over the marsh

A great egret

Another great blue heron

The great egret

A red-tailed hawk

Another Baltimore Oriole.

Until next time!