Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016

Today we ventured out to Sheldon Marsh Nature Preserve in Huron, OH.

 Check another one off the list!

Somebody was here before us

A common grackle

Lots of people left out bird seed, so we saw a ton of chipmunks, squirrels and birds.

A male red-winged blackbird

We saw a young groundhog poking out of his den!

Our first sighting of a Great Egret!

The marsh was beautiful

There was a Trumpeter Swan at the resort next to the preserve.

A female red-winged blackbird.

A male red-winged blackbird. They were everywhere!

A great egret and red-winged blackbird in flight.

Another shot of the great egret

Beautiful Lake Erie

Our first sighting of a Baltimore Oriole

Another view of the Lake Erie shore

A Great Blue Heron in flight

A great blue heron

A great blue heron flying over the marsh

A great egret

Another great blue heron

The great egret

A red-tailed hawk

Another Baltimore Oriole.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Another posting of awesome photos. Every one could be a favorite but I especially liked the fat chipmunk "drunk" on bird seed, the young groundhog, the white egret (spectacular flying photo), the Baltimore oriole (not only good photos of a gorgeous bird, but Uncle Tom must be smiling down at those--his fav team!), and I always love red-winged blackbirds. Thank you for sharing. <3
