Saturday, July 16, 2016

July 16, 2016

We visited Cuyahoga Valley National Park again today to the Beaver Marsh, this time at dusk.

A red-bellied woodpecker

A red squirrel having his dinner

A tree full of swallows

A close-up of the tree swallows

A male red-winged blackbird

The view over the marsh

A great blue heron

A family of wood ducks

A female wood duck

A grey catbird

A juvenile robin, which we initially mistook for a wood thrush.

We got a beautiful view of a Cedar Waxwing

The profile of the cedar waxwing

Sunset at Beaver Marsh

A look down the Ohio Erie Canal

Until next time!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 2, 2016 - Cuyahoga Valley National Park

On July 4th weekend, we visited Cuyahoga Valley National Park. We explored Beaver Marsh and stopped by Brandywine Falls.

Lots of beautiful lily blooms in the marsh.

We saw many tree swallows while on our walk.

Looking out over Beaver Marsh.

We got an excellent close-up of a Great Blue Heron


A gang of tree swallows

A mother Wood Duck with her ducklings

A giant snapping turtle!

Lots of Red-winged Blackbirds were flying around

Beautiful blooms

Like momma, like baby

The same Great Blue Heron went to a different spot to fish

Such a beautiful bird

The most exciting bird sighting of the day was a Green Heron

They can be very difficult to spot because they stay so still while fishing

The Greeny in motion!

Martin's favorite bird, and I bet you can see why!

Brandywine Falls

We saw a mink exploring very close to the edge of the falls

Until next time!